User inputs

The inputs are based on OIS library ( More...


class  OMK::Inp::AddInputKeyPrm
 Event to add a keyboard/mouse/joystick listener. More...
class  OMK::Inp::AddInputListenerPrm
 Event to add a keyboard/mouse/joystick listener. More...
class  OMK::Inp::BoundingBoxExtension
 Input listener to control the bounding boxes around objects. More...
class  OMK::Inp::CameraOgreListener
 Input listener to control the camera. More...
class  OMK::Inp::DebugOverlayExtension
 Input listener to show Debug overlay information. More...
class  OMK::Inp::DistributedCameraListener
 Simulated Object to control the camera. More...
class  OMK::Inp::DistributedCameraOgreListener
 Input listener to control the camera according OpenMASK Distributed paradigm and OpenMASK Listener. More...
class  OMK::Inp::EscListener
 Input listener for escape key. More...
class  OMK::Inp::GenericKeyExtension< OwnerClass >
 Generic extension to handle a key. More...
class  OMK::Inp::InputExtension
 Ancestor of every extension of extensible simulated objects. More...
class  OMK::Inp::InputListener
 Input listener base class. More...
class  OMK::Inp::KeyEmitterExtension
 Extension to emit an event when a key is pressed. More...
class  OMK::Inp::KeyEmitterExtensionT< T, ModelType >
 Extension to emit a valued event when a key is pressed. More...
class  OMK::Inp::KeyListener
 Input listener for a key. More...
class  OMK::Inp::OverlayExtension
 Input listener to show overlay information information. More...
class  OMK::Inp::PlusMinusExtension< T >
 Input listener to control the bounding boxes around objects. More...
class  OMK::Inp::SceneDetailsExtension
 Input listener to control the detail level of the objects in the scene. More...
class  OMK::TriggerEmitterExtension
 Extension to emit an event on a trigger front. More...
class  OMK::TriggerEmitterExtensionT< T, ModelType >
 Extension to emit a valued event on a trigger front. More...
class  OMK::MultiTriggerEmitterExtensionT< T, ModelType >
 Extension to emit a valued event on a trigger front. More...


 This define declares factory utilities, constructor and destructor for an input listener.
 This define implements factory utilities, constructor and destructor for an inputListener.

Detailed Description

The inputs are based on OIS library (

This library also to manage keyboard, mouse and joysticks. The inputs is an extension of the OgreVis object. The InputExtension class allows the user to define and add keyboard, mouse and joystick handlers.

See InputExtension for details.

Define Documentation

#define DECLARE_INPUT_LISTENER_FACTORY ( InputListenerClass   ) 


public: \ \
  friend class OMK::Inp::InputListenerCreatorT< InputListenerClass > ; \ \
  static OMK::Name OMK_CLASS_ID ; \ \
protected: \ \
   InputListenerClass( OMK::ExtensibleSimulatedObject* sender, const OMK::Name& instanceId, \
                       const OMK::ConfigurationParameterDescriptor* node ) ; \
public: \
        virtual ~InputListenerClass()
This define declares factory utilities, constructor and destructor for an input listener.

Benoît Chanclou Should be use with REGISTER_INPUT_LISTENER_FACTORY.

Definition at line 152 of file OMKInputListener.h.

Id   ) 


/* Factory */ \
  Name InputListenerClass::OMK_CLASS_ID( Id ) ; \
  const bool InputListenerClass::REGISTERED_IN_INPUT_LISTENER_FACTORY( OMK::Inp::InputListenerFactory::getInstance().registerCreator< OMK::Inp::InputListenerCreatorT< InputListenerClass > >( Id ) )
This define implements factory utilities, constructor and destructor for an inputListener.

Benoît Chanclou Should be use with DECLARE_INPUT_LISTENER_FACTORY.

Definition at line 173 of file OMKInputListener.h.

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Documentation generated on Mon Jun 9 11:46:00 2008

Generated with doxygen by Dimitri van Heesch ,   1997-2007