
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 /************************************************************************/
00003 /* This file is part of openMask(c) INRIA, CNRS, Universite de Rennes 1 */
00004 /* 1993-2002, thereinafter the Software                                 */
00005 /*                                                                      */
00006 /* The Software has been developped within the Siames Project.          */
00007 /* INRIA, the University of Rennes 1 and CNRS jointly hold intellectual */
00008 /* property rights                                                      */
00009 /*                                                                      */
00010 /* The Software has been registered with the Agence pour la Protection  */
00011 /* des Programmes (APP) under registration number                       */
00012 /* IDDN.FR.001.510008.00.S.P.2001.000.41200                             */
00013 /*                                                                      */
00014 /* This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License */
00015 /* version 1.0 as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in    */
00016 /* the file LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.         */
00017 /*                                                                      */
00018 /* Licensees holding valid specific licenses issued by INRIA, CNRS or   */
00019 /* Universite Rennes 1 for the software may use this file in            */
00020 /* acordance with that specific license                                 */
00021 /************************************************************************/
00023 #include "OMKSessionPrm.h"
00024 #include "OMKAccessLevelList.inl"
00025 #include "OMKInteractorExtension.h"
00026 #include "OMKInteractorOutput.h"
00027 #include "OMKExtensibleSimulatedObject.h"
00028 #include "OMKIAttribute.h"
00029 #include "OMKIAttribute.h"
00031 using namespace OMK ;
00032 using namespace OMK::Iii ;
00033 using namespace OMK::Type ;
00035 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00036 SessionPrm* SessionPrm::create( InteractorExtension* owner, const Name& interactiveObject )
00037 {
00038   OMASSERTM( owner, "Cannot be null" ) ;
00039   return owner->getOwner()->getController().getPointerToSimulatedObjectNamed( interactiveObject ) ?
00040       new SessionPrm( owner, interactiveObject ) :
00041       0 ; // Not ok because it is not a simulated object
00042 }
00044 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00045 SessionPrm::SessionPrm( InteractorExtension* owner, const Name& interactiveObject ) 
00046 : _interactiveObject( interactiveObject ),
00047   _owner( owner )
00048 {
00049   OMASSERTM( _owner, "The listener must be valid" ); 
00050 }
00052 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00053 SessionPrm::~SessionPrm() 
00054 {
00055 }
00057 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00058 // connectors.getId : the connector id
00059 // connectors.getSecondId : the category
00060 void SessionPrm::init( const InteractorOutputsMap& interactorOutputsMap, const AccessibleParametersListPrm& connectors ) 
00061 {
00062   for ( AccessibleParametersListPrm::const_iterator connector = connectors.begin() ; 
00063         connector != connectors.end() ; 
00064         ++connector )
00065   { // Try to connect each id sent by the interactor 
00066     OMTRACEID( OMK_DEBUG_III, ":-| The interactive object \"" << _interactiveObject << "\" can be controlled with connector \"" << connector->_id << "\" of category \"" << connector->_category << "\" the parameter is " << (connector->_accessible ? "accessible" : "unaccessible") ) ;
00067     // Is the id in the connector list
00068     InteractorOutputsMap::const_iterator interactorOutput = interactorOutputsMap.find( InteractorOutputsIndex( connector->_category, connector->_type ) ) ;
00069     if( interactorOutput != interactorOutputsMap.end() )
00070     { // Stores a new link
00071       OMTRACEID( OMK_DEBUG_III, ":-| The session with interactive object \"" << _interactiveObject << "\" can have control from the interactor output \"" << interactorOutput->second->id() << "\"" ) ;
00072       _links.insert( std::pair< Name, SessionPrm::Link >( interactorOutput->second->id(), Link( connector->_id, interactorOutput->second ) ) ) ;
00073     }
00074   }
00075 }
00077 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00078 void SessionPrm::addControlledConnector( const ControlTakenOfParameterPrm& prm ) 
00079 {
00080   bool ok = false ;
00081   for ( std::map< Name, SessionPrm::Link >::iterator link = _links.begin() ; link != _links.end() ; ++link )
00082   { // Try to find the connector
00083     if( link->second._connector == prm.first )
00084     {
00085       link->second._state = EIsUnderControl ;
00086       ok = true ;
00087       break ;
00088     }
00089   }
00090   if( !ok )
00091   {
00092     OMTRACEID( OMK_DEBUG_III, ":-( The connector with id \"" << prm.first << "\" is not available, cannot add it !" ) ;
00093   }
00094 }
00096 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00097 void SessionPrm::removeControlledConnector( const Name& id )
00098 {
00099   bool ok = false ;
00100   for ( std::map< Name, SessionPrm::Link >::iterator link = _links.begin() ; link != _links.end() ; ++link )
00101   { // Try to find the connector
00102     if( link->second._connector == id )
00103     {
00104       link->second._state = EIsNotControlled ;
00105       ok = true ;
00106       break ;
00107     }
00108   }
00109   if( !ok )
00110   {
00111     OMTRACEID( OMK_DEBUG_III, ":-( The connector with id \"" << id << "\" is not under control, cannot remove it !" ) ;
00112   }
00113 }
00115 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00116 std::list< Name > SessionPrm::getActiveOutputs() const 
00117 {
00118   std::list< Name > activeOutputs ;
00119   for ( std::map< Name, Link >::const_iterator link = _links.begin() ; link !=  _links.end() ; ++link )
00120   {
00121     if( link->second._state == EIsUnderControl ) activeOutputs.push_back( link->first ) ;
00122   }
00123   return activeOutputs ;
00124 }
00126 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00127 bool SessionPrm::isActiveOutput( const Name& id ) const 
00128 {
00129   std::map< Name, Link >::const_iterator link = _links.find( id ) ;
00130   return link != _links.end() && link->second._state == EIsUnderControl ;
00131 }
00133 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00134 SessionPrm::OutputStates SessionPrm::outputState( const Name& id ) const 
00135 {
00136   std::map< Name, Link >::const_iterator link = _links.find( id ) ;
00137   return link != _links.end() ? link->second._state : EUnknow ;
00138 }
00140 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00141 Name SessionPrm::getOutputId( const Name& connectorId ) const 
00142 {
00143   Name id ;
00144   for ( std::map< Name, SessionPrm::Link >::const_iterator link = _links.begin() ; link != _links.end() ; ++link )
00145   { // Try to find the id in the link part
00146     if( link->second._connector == connectorId )
00147     {
00148       id = link->first ;
00149       break ;
00150     }
00151   }
00152   return id ;
00153 }
00155 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00156 void SessionPrm::selfGetAccessibleParameters() 
00157 { 
00158   _owner->getInteractor()->sendValuedEvent( _interactiveObject, EventId::GET_ACCESSIBLE_PARAMETERS, OMK::Type::GetAccessibleParametersType( OMK::Type::GetAccessibleParametersPrm( _owner->getGroup(), _owner->getAccessLevel() ) ) ) ;
00159   _ids.clear() ;
00160 }
00161 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00162 /*void SessionPrm::selfGetCurrentValues() 
00163 { 
00164   AccessCurrentValuePrm connectorsToGet( _owner->getAccessLevel() ) ;   
00165   if( _ids.empty() )
00166   {
00167     for ( std::map< Name, SessionPrm::Link >::const_iterator link = _links.begin() ; link != _links.end() ; ++link )
00168     { // Try to connect each id sent by the interactor 
00169       // Is the id in the connector list
00170       connectorsToGet.addItem( TwoIdsPrm( link->second._connector, link->first ) ) ;
00171     }
00172   }
00173   else
00174   {
00175     for ( std::vector< Name >::const_iterator id = _ids.begin() ; id !=  _ids.end() ; ++id )
00176     {
00177       std::map< Name, SessionPrm::Link >::const_iterator link = _links.find( *id ) ;
00178       if( link != _links.end() )
00179       {
00180         connectorsToGet.addItem( TwoIdsPrm( link->second._connector, link->first ) ) ;
00181       }
00182       else
00183       {
00184         OMTRACEID( OMK_DEBUG_III, ":-( The id \"" << (*id) << "\" is not available" ) ;
00185       }
00186     }
00187   }
00188   if( !connectorsToGet.getItems().empty() )
00189   {
00190     _owner->getInteractor()->sendValuedEvent( _interactiveObject, EventId::GET_CURRENT_VALUE, AccessCurrentValueType( connectorsToGet ) ) ;
00191   }
00193   _ids.clear() ;
00194 }*/
00195 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00196 void SessionPrm::selfControlTakeOverAndGetCurrentValues() 
00197 { 
00198   TakeOverAndGetCurrentValuesPrm connectorsToControl( _owner->getGroup(), _owner->getAccessLevel() ) ;   
00199   if( _ids.empty() )
00200   {
00201     for ( std::map< Name, SessionPrm::Link >::iterator link = _links.begin() ; link != _links.end() ; ++link )
00202     { // Try to connect each id sent by the interactor 
00203       // Is the id in the connector list
00204       connectorsToControl.addItem( ControlTakeOverPrm( link->second._connector,
00205                                                        link->first
00206                                                        // FIXME: owner access level is not the apropriate value!
00207                                                       ) ) ;
00208       // Set the flag to waiting
00209       link->second._state = EWaitingForAnswer ;
00210     }
00211   }
00212   else
00213   {
00214     for ( std::vector< Name >::const_iterator id = _ids.begin() ; id !=  _ids.end() ; ++id )
00215     {
00216       std::map< Name, SessionPrm::Link >::iterator link = _links.find( *id ) ;
00217       if( link != _links.end() )
00218       {
00219         connectorsToControl.addItem( ControlTakeOverPrm( link->second._connector,
00220                                                          link->first
00221                                                          // FIXME: owner access level is not the apropriate value!
00222                                                           ) ) ;
00223         // Set the flag to waiting
00224         link->second._state = EWaitingForAnswer ;
00225       }
00226       else
00227       {
00228         OMTRACEID( OMK_DEBUG_III, ":-( No link with interactor output \"" << (*id) << "\" available" ) ;
00229       }
00230     }
00231   }
00232   if( !connectorsToControl._items.empty() )
00233   {
00234     _owner->getInteractor()->sendValuedEvent( _interactiveObject, EventId::CONTROL_TAKE_OVER_AND_GET_CURRENT_VALUES, TakeOverAndGetCurrentValuesType( connectorsToControl ) ) ;
00235   }
00236   _ids.clear() ;
00237 }
00238 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00239 void SessionPrm::selfControlRelease()
00240 { 
00241   ControlReleasePrm connectorsList ;
00242   for ( std::vector< Name >::const_iterator id = _ids.begin() ; id !=  _ids.end() ; ++id )
00243   {
00244     std::map< Name, SessionPrm::Link >::iterator link = _links.find( *id ) ;
00245     if( link != _links.end() )
00246     {
00247       connectorsList.push_back( link->second._connector ) ;
00248       link->second._state = EIsNotControlled ;
00249     }
00250     else
00251     {
00252       OMTRACEID( OMK_DEBUG_III, ":-( No link with interactor output \"" << (*id) << "\" available" ) ;
00253     }
00254   }
00255   if( !connectorsList.empty() )
00256   { // The list is filled => send it
00257     _owner->getInteractor()->sendValuedEvent( _interactiveObject, EventId::CONTROL_RELEASE, ControlReleaseType( connectorsList ) ) ;
00258   }
00259   else if( _ids.empty() )
00260   { // all is selected or none is selected => release all <=> no parameter to send
00261     for ( std::map< Name, SessionPrm::Link >::iterator link = _links.begin() ; link != _links.end() ; ++link )
00262     { 
00263       // Set the flag to not controlled
00264       link->second._state = EIsNotControlled ;
00265     }
00266     _owner->getInteractor()->sendEvent( _interactiveObject, EventId::CONTROL_RELEASE ) ;
00267   }
00268   // else a list of unusable ids => error, no event to send
00269   _ids.clear() ;
00270 }
00271 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00272 void SessionPrm::selfControlFreeze() 
00273 { 
00274   OMERROR( "Control freeze not implemented for interactive object \"" << _interactiveObject << "\"" << std::endl ) ;
00275   _ids.clear() ;
00276 }
00277 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00278 void SessionPrm::selfControlUnfreeze()
00279 { 
00280   OMERROR( "control unfreeze not implemented  for interactive object \"" << _interactiveObject << "\"" << std::endl ) ;
00281   _ids.clear() ;
00282 }

logo OpenMask

Documentation generated on Mon Jun 9 11:45:57 2008

Generated with doxygen by Dimitri van Heesch ,   1997-2007