
Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 #include "OMKGenericKeyExtension.h"
00005 #include "OMKExtensibleSimulatedObject.inl"
00006 #include "OMKBaseType.h"
00007 #include "OMKTransformType.h"
00008 #include "OMKIAccessor.h"
00009 namespace OMK
00010 {
00011   namespace Inp
00012   {
00060 template< typename T >
00061 class PlusMinusExtension:  
00062 public OMK::Inp::GenericKeyExtension< ExtensibleSimulatedObject >
00063 {
00064 public:
00066   friend class OMK::ExtensionCreatorT< PlusMinusExtension< T > > ;
00068   static Name OMK_CLASS_ID ;
00070   static const bool REGISTERED_IN_EXTENSION_FACTORY ;
00071 protected:
00074   PlusMinusExtension( OMK::ExtensibleSimulatedObject* owner, const Name& id, bool registerExtension = true ) ;
00075 public:
00077   virtual ~PlusMinusExtension() ;
00078 protected:
00080   virtual bool loadExtensionParameters( const ConfigurationParameterDescriptor * node ) 
00081   {
00082     bool ok = OMK::Inp::GenericKeyExtension< ExtensibleSimulatedObject >::loadExtensionParameters( node ) ; 
00083     T inc ;
00084     ok = ok && ParametersAccessor::get( node, "Increment", inc, _owner ) ;
00085     _increment.set( inc ) ;
00086     Name attributeName ;
00087     ok = ok && ParametersAccessor::get( node, "Attribute", attributeName, _owner ) ;
00088     if( ok )
00089     {
00090       _attributeAccessor = _owner->getBaseAttribute< T >( attributeName ) ;
00091       ok = _attributeAccessor != 0 ;
00092       if( !ok )
00093       {
00094         OMERROR( "Unable to find the associated attribute \"" << attributeName << "\" of type \"" << typeid( T ).name() 
00095                  << ( _owner->getAttribute( attributeName ) ?
00096                       "\", the attribute with this name is not of this type (\"" + std::string( _owner->getAttribute( attributeName )->getTypeId().name() ) + "\")."
00097                       : "\"." ) ) ;
00098       }
00099     }
00100     return ok ;
00101   }
00103   AttributeT< T > _increment ;
00105   bool _doIncrementation ;
00107   IAccessorT< T >* _attributeAccessor ;
00110   virtual void action() 
00111   {
00112     if( !_eventListenerRelease ) increment() ;
00113     else _doIncrementation = true ;
00114   }
00117   virtual void actionRelease() 
00118   {
00119     if( !_eventListenerPress ) increment() ;
00120     else _doIncrementation = false ;
00121   }
00123   virtual void postComputeParameters()
00124   {
00125     if( _doIncrementation ) increment() ;
00126   }
00128   void increment()
00129   { 
00130     _attributeAccessor->set( _attributeAccessor->get() + _increment ) ;
00131   }
00132 };
00134 template< typename T >
00135 PlusMinusExtension< T >::PlusMinusExtension( ExtensibleSimulatedObject* owner, const Name& id, bool registerExtension ) 
00136 : GenericKeyExtension< ExtensibleSimulatedObject >( owner, id, registerExtension, "ADD" ),
00137 _increment( id, 0 ),
00138 _doIncrementation( false ),
00139 _attributeAccessor( 0 )
00140 {
00141   _owner->addAttribute( _increment ) ;
00142 }
00143 template< typename T >
00144 PlusMinusExtension< T >::~PlusMinusExtension() {}
00147 template class OMKINPUTS_API PlusMinusExtension<float> ;
00148 typedef PlusMinusExtension< float > PlusMinusFloatExtension ;
00149 template class OMKINPUTS_API PlusMinusExtension<int> ;
00150 typedef PlusMinusExtension< int > PlusMinusIntExtension ;
00152 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00153 // Specific implementation for OMK::TypeTransform
00154 template<>
00155 PlusMinusExtension< OMK::Type::Transform >::PlusMinusExtension( ExtensibleSimulatedObject* owner, const Name& id, bool registerExtension ) 
00156 : GenericKeyExtension< ExtensibleSimulatedObject >( owner, id, registerExtension, "ADD" ),
00157 _increment( id, Wm4::Vector3f::ZERO ),
00158 _doIncrementation( false ),
00159 _attributeAccessor( 0 )
00160 {
00161   _owner->addAttribute( _increment ) ;
00162 }
00163 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00164 // Specific implementation for OMK::TypeTransform
00165 template<> void 
00166 PlusMinusExtension< OMK::Type::Transform >::increment()
00167 {
00168   _attributeAccessor->set( product( _attributeAccessor->get(), _increment.get() ) ) ;
00169 }
00170 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00171 template class OMKINPUTS_API PlusMinusExtension<OMK::Type::Transform> ;
00172 typedef PlusMinusExtension< OMK::Type::Transform > PlusMinusTransformExtension ;
00173 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00174   } // namespace Inp
00175 } // namespace OMK

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Documentation generated on Mon Jun 9 11:45:57 2008

Generated with doxygen by Dimitri van Heesch ,   1997-2007