OpenMASK versions

Current version

The current version 4 includes many innovations:

Deprecated items

With the features given by the new version, many old design patterns are deprecated.

For example, With the new attributes and the new events features, many old attributes are deprecated (OMK::ControlParameter, OMK::SensitiveInput,...) and will be suppressed. So you should use the new attributes instead of the old input/output features.

See the tutorials for examples.

How to

Previous version

The previous version is the 3.2 one. The documentation for this version is available here:


Due to the namespace and the complete refit of the API, the compatibility is only available through a compatibility layer which converts old names in new ones. Nevertheless, most of the kernel is the same, so the old objects still work. But you should better refit your objects to be fully compatible with the new version and to benefit from all the innovations.
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Documentation generated on Mon Jun 9 11:45:59 2008

Generated with doxygen by Dimitri van Heesch ,   1997-2007